Westside Invite 2023: Seattle, WA

Friday June 30th & July 1, 2, 3, 4

instagram @westside.invite.seattle.2023

Build more space needles.

Messenger Race Registration

Fill out the survey https://forms.gle/6TQ3GdsLztLFeMqA9

Pay messenger registration ($50) https://buy.stripe.com/7sI0116ZR0NYf4Y9AB

WTF-NB attendees are free. Fill out the survey. Do not pay registration.


Thursday June 29th

Friday June 30th

Saturday July 1st

Sunday July 2nd

Monday July 3rd

Tuesday July 4th

Bike Polo Tournament Regification

Playing in the bike polo tournament?

Fill out this survey: https://forms.gle/vurtZ6HoEsgE62qD8

Registration full.

Pay polo team registration ($75) https://buy.stripe.com/fZe299fwn40a7Cw5km

Where to stay?

$50 a night approximately.

The most inexpensive rooms in the downtown Seattle area are going to be the local Hostels. They are shared rooms, sharing a room with between 4 and 14 others. Book Now(very few left)

Green Tortoise Hostel Seattle


Hostelling International Seattle at the American Hotel


$75-$100 a night approximately.

The second most inexpensive rooms are going to be AirBNB's in a home where you have either your own room, or shared room. Book Now (very few left).

$100 - $140

There are some cheaper hotels near the airport(40 minute light rail ride from downtown). As well as north of town on Aurora ave.(40 minute bus ride) I don't really recommend either of these options for many reasons.

-- Authored by Lightning Rod

Website created by 5tephen.com